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Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T: +43 5 740 36 - 0

Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T: +43 5 740 36 - 0

Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T: +43 5 740 36 7100 

Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T: +43 5 740 36 - 0

Langegasse 19
6923 Lauterach 
T: +43 5 740 36 6000  

Marksteinergasse 5
1210 Wien
T. +43 5 74036 7200

Objekt 645 - EG
1300 Wien Flughafen
+43 664 96 52 171

EQUANS Austria

Your multitechnical service provider

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Your multitechnical service provider

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Your contacts

EQUANS Energie - HQ

EQUANS Energie GmbH
Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T: +43 5 740 36 7100

Nahwärme Kreuzstetten GmbH

Nahwärme Kreuzstetten GmbH
Leberstraße 120
1110 Wien
T. +43 5 740 36 7100
E: office@​

naturwärme-montafon biomasse-heizkraftwerk gmbh

naturwärme-montafon biomasse-heizkraftwerk gmbh
Gantschierstrasse 39 b
6780 Schruns
T: +43 5 740 36 7100

Sustainable local heating network

Your heating: CO2-neutral, safe and clean

Responsible use of natural resources, sustainable energy generation and efficient energy use will determine the quality of life on our planet in the future. Green energy makes an important contribution to this for current, and especially, future generations.

EQUANS Energie owns several sustainable local heating networks in Austria, supplying CO2-neutral heat from Sulz im Wienerwald to the Montafon valley.

We are committed to making our energy supply sustainable and taking long-term responsibility for future generations.

The supply of wood for the heating plant is secured by the local raw material supply.

We obtain 100% of our wood chips from farmers, forestry operations and private individuals in the neighbourhood.

EQUANS takes over and renovates district heating networks and ensures a local, sustainable and CO2-neutral heat supply.

EQUANS is committed to decarbonisation and energy efficiency. We invest in forward-looking technologies such as heat recovery and PV systems to cover our own electricity requirements.

As a financially strong company with many years of experience as an operator of local heating networks, we are a reliable partner for municipalities.

EQUANS Energie

Sustainable heat

Sustainable heat


- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2015

Purchase conditions (German only)
- Einkaufsbedingungen EQUANS Energie

Service hotline

Our service hotline in case of problems with your heating and cooling system.

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